Team CoderDojo ranks 4th @ Game of Code 2016

Mon 11 April 2016
Translations: lu de fr

Pictures, click here. License: CC0


Three 12-13 year old CoderDojo programmers reach the 4th place (out of 22 international adult competitors) in the #OpenData challenge at the first Game of Code event in Luxembourg.


On April 8th three CoderDojo Programmers took on the challenge to participate at the first ever Game of Code hackathon in Luxembourg City.

The hackathon was powered by Docler Holding & IT One and the challenges were designed by Docler Holding (artificial intelligence) as well as the Governmental “Digital Lëtzebuerg” Initiative’s OpenData Portal.

Team CoderDojo Luxembourg consisted of Daria, Henri & Linnea and they chose the open-data challenge to develop a mobile application to help Dog owners find the Dog-waste disposal bags in and around the City of Luxembourg more easily.

During 24 hours, with a short 6 hour bed-time break, the Team came up with the Website.

Whilst many new features are currently under development, the essence of the project has been understood and appreciated by the jury ranking them 4th in a pool of 22 international, adult and mostly professional, developers.

This rank awarded them a special mention by the organizers plus a gift-card which motivated the team to participate in future Hackathons.


Daria is of Bulgarian origin and really enjoys the JavaScript programming language as well as design.

Henri is of Finnish origin and when he is not programming the Nao robot to support the project, he makes sure that the code gets fixed and solutions to technical challenges are found.

Linnea is of Swedish/Irish origin and is not afraid to speak in front of a large audience after having programmed an entire weekend HTML and adapted CSS templates.

Full Disclosure

Steve Clement who mentored the CoderDojo Team up to the even but not necessarily during the event, was also a judge in the Game of Code Hackathon. He decided, in accordance with the other judges, to retract his vote for Team CoderDojo to avoid any conflict of interest or unfair advantages in regards to the other participants.


35  Teams in total
200 Visitors
10  Artificial Intelligence Teams
25  OpenData Teams
150 Participants

Sincerely yours, the Dojo Team

Category: hackathon Tagged: docler opendata hackathon gameofcode

Translations: lu de fr